Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rave~~Kettle Brand Potato Chips of the Jalapeno Flavor!!!! :)

I've never been a big fan of chips, I'm more of a sweets kinda gal, but I've become a HUGE fan of the ever yummy Kettle Brand Potato Chips in Jalapeno.  And it seems I'm not alone.  In looking around on the Internet I found several blogs with reviews of my new favorite chips.
These are a staple in my pantry now and are pulled out anytime we have veggie burgers, sandwiches, or veggie chili dogs (oh yeah...did I mention we're vegetarians?)  Be sure to have plenty of your beverage of choice on hand as after a few handfuls the spiciness of the chips starts to beg for a cool swig of your favorite soda.  (Mine's Rootbeer...I'll do a Rave about that on another day!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Task At Hand

I love figuring out an organizing dilemma and one dilemma that has haunted me for years has been how to organize receipts!  Recently a friend told me that for work she tapes her receipts onto paper to turn in her expenses.  I've decided to tape my receipts into a folder so I know where they are, how much I'm spending, and where to go if I need to return something!  No more digging around the house trying to find a receipt.  So here's my new method.  I'd love to know if you have a better system!

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